Last scheduled chase

Access your Receivables page to view all the receivables and invoices exported from your accounting system.

Last updated: August 23, 2024



Access your Receivables page via the main navigation bar on the left-hand side in Chaser to view your customers and invoices as exported from your accounting software. When viewing customer and invoice-specific pages from the Receivables tab, you can also view their chasing and communications history. You can view by Customers (default) or Invoices.


Select either the Customers or Invoices view using the tabs.


The customer view displays all active customers within your accounting system. You can view summary information about overdue and outstanding balances, an invoice subtable, communication history including chases and if the email has been opened, and customer details. Learn more in our Customer view Help Centre article.

By default, the Invoices view displays all outstanding invoices. Use the Paid filter to see paid invoices. Learn more in our Invoices view Help Centre article.


You can download your customer or invoice information by clicking Export on the relevant page. This will download the information as an XLSX file.


The fields that download are shown below:

Customer page


Invoice page
