
Receivables: Customer view

Filter customers and make adjustments with ease in the Customer view.


Your Receivables page is accessed via the left-hand navigation bar. You can view by Customers or Invoices.

The customer view is the default view when you navigate to the 'Receivables' tab. 

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The customer view will display all customers in your accounting system. Find out more about the invoice view here.

Page details

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  1. Enter a partial or full invoice number or customer name to search results in the table below.
  2. Select filter options and display invoices with the applied filters.
  3. View the number of your customers that fit within the applied filters.
  4. Change how many results you see per page.
  5. Navigate to the next page of customer results.
  6. Export the full list of customers shown with the applied filters.


Sort the customer table

Sort one of the six columns by clicking on the small triangle symbol next to the relevant column title. When a sort is applied the triangle will turn red. 

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    View customer names as they appear in your accounting system. Customer names can be sorted A-Z or Z-A.

    Payer rating

    Understand how well this customer is paying at a glance. Find out more about payer ratings here. You can sort payer ratings alphabetically and can also filter by this feature.


    See this customers total overdue amount across all invoices. You can sort by ascending or descending amounts.


    See how much is currently outstanding for this customer across all invoices including amounts not yet due. This column can be sorted by ascending or descending order.


    See which schedule this customer is in. All new invoices for this customer will belong to this schedule. Edit the schedule by hovering over the schedule. Click the pencil icon and select the schedule you’d like to assign from the dropdown list. Sort this column alphabetically A-Z or Z-A.

    Customer status

    See whether the customer is set to chasing or not chasing. 'Chasing' means the customer will be chased according to the schedule they’re in. New invoices will be assigned the same status as customer they belong to. Sort this column by chasing status.

    Click the 'Chasing' status button to change the chasing status of the relevant customer. Changing the chasing status of a customer, will automatically change the chasing status of all underlying invoices.Sort this column by chasing status.

    Quick view

    View up to five recent notes, replies or responses in a customer’s history by clicking on the paper like ‘quick view’ icon. Click ‘Go to full history’ to open that customer’s/invoice’s page and view all

    Customer options

    Access customer options by clicking the three vertical dots on the right-hand side of the customer row.

    Select from the following options in the dropdown menu:

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    Add note - Add a note to the customer file

    Chase Now - Send a manual email immediately instead of waiting until the next scheduled chase. Find out more about ‘Chase Now’ here.

    View customer - View the detailed customer tab within Chaser 

    Edit in [accounting software name] - Edit your customer's contact details in your accounting system, which will in turn sync with Chaser.

    Invoice sub-table

    Click anywhere on a customer row to view a subtable of invoices belonging to this customer.

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    1. Click a customer’s name to view the specific customer tab.
    2. Click the arrow buttons at the top right of the sub-table to navigate through the customer’s invoices. Up to five invoices will show at a time.
    3. See how many invoices this customer has following ‘Results’.
    4. Change the chasing status of an individual invoice without affecting the customer's default chasing status.
    5. Click the three buttons next to an invoice to open the invoice options. Find out more about these options in our invoice view and chase now.

    Sort and bulk edit invoices using the same methods highlighted here


    Narrow down your search and reduce the number of cusdtomers shown by requesting specific attributes. Multiple filters can be applied at once.

    Click the '+ Filter' button and select the desired attribute(s). Active filters appear above the customer table. Remove filters using the 'Clear all' button or click the small 'x' next to the filter to remove.

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    The following filter categories and options are available from the filter button dropdown:

    • Status: Chasing, Not chasing
    • Schedules: A list of your schedules will show for selection
    • Tags: A list of tags from your accounting system will show for selection
    • Payer rating: N/A, Bad, Average, Good
    • Missing information: Missing email address, Missing name

    Changing schedule

    Change a customer’s default schedule by hovering over the current schedule and click the pencil icon that appears. Then select the schedule you prefer for this customer.

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    You’ve now moved all invoices for this customer to this schedule and the below banner will show. New invoices for this customer will have this schedule applied.

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    Move an individual or selected invoices to a different schedule to a customers default schedule by selecting the invoices in the subtable or in the invoice view. Click the blue bulk operation button and select Change schedule. Click the schedule you prefer.


    Bulk selection

    Select multiple customers using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the table. Click the blue 'bulk operations' button that appears at the top left-hand corned above the customer list.

    Alter their chasing status or schedule using the dropdown.

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    You may see a red square warning box in the Customer table. This means the customer is missing an email address in your accounting software so chases can’t be sent. Click on the warning to enter your accounting system and add their email address. Hit resync in Chaser and the warning will disappear, meaning chases can now be sent. Customers missing email addresses and main contact names will also be highlighted in your Chase feed.

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        Demonstration of Receivables tab