Receivables: Invoice view

Navigate your list of invoices with ease using filters and the bulk action tool.


Your Receivables page is accessed via the left-hand navigation bar. You can view by Customers or Invoices.

Access your 'Invoices' view by clicking on 'Invoices' using the tabs.


Find out more about the customer view here.

Page details

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  1. Enter a partial or full invoice number or customer name to search results in the table below.
  2. Select filter options and display invoices with the applied filters.
  3. View how many invoices fit within the filters selected
  4. Change how many results you see per page.
  5. Change to the next page of invoices if the number of invoices exceeds the items per page.
  6. Export the full invoice list after filters are applied.

Sort the invoice table

Sort one of the five columns by clicking on the small triangle symbol next to the relevant column title. When a sort is applied the triangle will turn red.


Invoice No. / Customer

Invoice numbers and customer names match your accounting system and are displayed together. Invoice numbers can be sorted ascending or descending. Customer names can be sorted A-Z or Z-A.


See the due date of the relevant invoice. Due date can be sorted earliest-to-latest, or latest-to-earliest.


See how much is currently outstanding for the invoice. An underlined balance indicates it’s different from the original total amount. Hover over the amount to see what the total of the invoice was. The outstanding column can be sorted by ascending or descending order.

Next chase

See which template will be sent and at what time. The number in front of the template name indicates how many chases have been sent already for this invoice. Hover over the template to see its preview. Sort 'Next Chase' by earliest-to-latest or latest-to-earliest.


See the 'expected payment date' of the relevant invoice here. This can be inputted within Chaser and some accounting systems. This can be edited using the pencil icon. Find out more about expected payment dates and their uses here. Sort expected payment date by earliest-to-latest, or latest-to-earliest. Xero users: If a part payment has been made or an invoice was raised within an active 'lock period', any changes made to the expected date for that invoice will be reverted after saving and won't pull through to Xero.

Invoice chasing status

See whether the invoice is set to chasing or not chasing. 'Chasing' means the invoice will be chased according to the schedule it’s in. New invoices will be assigned the same status as customer they belong to. Sort this column by chasing status.

Quick view

View up to five recent notes, replies or responses in a customer’s history by clicking on the paper like ‘quick view’ icon next to the chasing status. Click ‘Go to full history’ to open that customer’s/invoice’s page and view all

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Invoice options

Access invoice options by clicking the three verticle dots on the far right-hand side of the invoice row.

Select from the following options in the dropdown menu:

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Add note
- Add a note to the selected invoice.

Chase Now - Send a manual email immediately instead of waiting until the next scheduled chase. Find out more about ‘Chase Now’ here.

Dispute - raise a dispute internally for that invoice.

Quote for Collections - Get a ‘no win no fee’ quote for our Collections service (available to UK customers for invoices raised in GBP).


Narrow down your search and reduce the number of invoices shown by requesting specific attributes. Multiple filters can be applied at once.

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Click the '+ Filter' button and select the desired attribute(s). Active filters appear above the invoice table. Remove filters using the 'Clear all' button or click the small 'x' next to the filter to remove.

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The following filter categories and options are available from the filter button dropdown:

  • Status: Chasing, Not chasing, Paid
  • Schedules: A list of your schedules will show for selection
  • Aged debt: 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 90+ days
  • Payment plan: In payment plan
  • Dispute: In dispute
  • Collection: Pending, Collection

Bulk selection

Select multiple invoices using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the table. Use the blue options menu which appears at the top left-hand corner of the table to select a bulk task to complete.

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Alter chasing statuses, allocated schedules or expected payment dates at the same time. Chase Now or get a quote for Collections if the invoices you select belong to the same customer.

Find out more about the customer view here.

Demonstration of Receivables tab