
Chasefeed: Upcoming chase

View invoices ready to chase, or unable to be chased.

The 'Upcoming chase' module displays summary information about chases due to be sent out on your next chase day and details of when the chase will be sent. Chases are sent in the hour after the time selected, not on the exact hourly mark, to maintain a human appearance.

All monetary amounts are converted into your accounting system's base currency.

Ready to chase

Missing names

Invoices scheduled to be chased that are missing a contact's first name appear here. This won’t stop a chaser going out but it will mean no name is entered in the body of the email and the placeholder will be replaced with a blank space.

You can add a name to this contact in your accounting system. To navigate to the relevant page select the 'X invoices' hyperlink and click the alert symbol next to the customer's name. 

Will not be chased

Missing email

Invoices scheduled to be chased that are missing an email address cannot be chased via email until an email address is entered for the relevant contact in your accounting system. Navigate to the relevant contact in your accounting system by selecting the 'X invoices' hyperlink and clicking the alert symbol next to the customer's name. 

Missing/invalid mobile

Invoices scheduled to be chased that are missing a valid mobile number cannot be chased via SMS a mobile number is correctly entered for the relevant contact in your accounting system. Navigate to the relevant contact in your accounting system by selecting the 'X invoices' hyperlink and clicking the alert symbol next to the customer's name. 

End of schedule

Invoices will no longer be chased because there are no further chases on their schedule. In this scenario, it is best to escalate this invoice for further action, such as to a debt collection company. UK customers can make use Chaser's in-house Collections service.

Alternatively, you can set repeating chasers - learn more here

NB: Any text highlighted in blue is a  hyperlink and will link directly to the Receivables invoice tab showing you which invoices are being referred to.

Overview of Chaserfeed and account settings