
Chasefeed: Recent events

The 'Recent events' module displays a stream of activity that has occurred within Chaser.

Events are time-stamped on the right-hand side of the module. 14 days' worth of events to a maximum of 30 events, to view more use the ‘load more’ button to see earlier events. 

Events contain hyperlinks, which will link you directly to the relevant customer or invoice page in Chaser. Hyperlinks are indicated using blue text.



Events currently included within the ChaseFeed module are:

  • When a user pauses Chaser overall using the option within 'Settings'
    • Event: <user> paused/resumed Chaser
  • When a user pauses Chaser until a specific date, using the option within 'Settings’
    • Event: <user> paused Chaser until <selected date>
  • When Chaser is resumed using a pre-set date
    • Event: Chaser was resumed using a preset date
  • When a new customer has an invoice raised in the accounting system and gets assigned to a schedule within Chaser
    • Event: <Customer Name> automatically assigned to schedule <schedule name>:
  • When a customer replies directly to a Chaser
    • Event: Reply from <contact name> at <customer name>: <invoice number>  
  • When a sender of chasers responds to an email that is a reply to a chaser.
    • Event: Response from <user name> to <customer name>: <invoice number>
  • When a customer reaches a preset percentage of their credit limit
    • Event: <Customer name> has reached <percentage> of the credit limit
  • When a user of chaser adds a note within the 'invoice history' on the 'invoice page'
    • Event: Note added by <user name> for <customer name>: <invoice number>