
Monthly statements

Who will receive a customer statement?

Monthly statements are sent on a schedule and customer level.  A customer will receive a monthly statement if:

  • They are on a schedule with monthly statements enabled
  • They are set to chasing
  • They have one or more outstanding invoice
  • There is an email  associated with the normal recipient for this customer

Statements will include all outstanding invoices relevant to that customer, regardless of the chasing status of the associated invoices and their value. 


Setting up Monthly statements

To set up a monthly statement run go to Manage> Schedules> Edit schedule > Monthly statement.

Check the box "Enable monthly statements for this schedule"


You can alter the day on which the statement is sent using the 'Send on' dropdown. The statement will send at your normal chasing time. Statements will not send on weekends or public holidays. If your statement sending day lands on a weekend or public holiday it will send on the next available working day. 


You can alter which template is sent to the customers using the template dropdown. This dropdown includes all of your statement templates


Monthly statements will send to and from the normal recipients and senders. This cannot be altered. 



Three and one days before your statement is due to send at 8 am, all senders marked as 'forewarn' will receive an email with the customers which are due to receive a customer statement. 

An in-app notification will also appear on Chasefeed. This will link to the receivables page with the relevant schedule filtered. Please note, customers with no outstanding invoices will appear in this filter. They will not be sent the statement.