Email reminders

Email integration

Send reminders and get replies directly to your domain, without intermediaries with any mail provider.

Important to note: This feature is currently available for Standard users and above. Please view the separate instructions for Gmail and for all other providers below. You may also still need to complete domain verification if you use multiple sending emails, so please read the section at the bottom of this page.

Gmail/Google Workspace 

Google´s security protocol requires your organisation to add Chaser´s application to a list of "verified" apps in order to connect. Our support team will then activate this feature for your organisation. 

Setup - to be done by your Google Workspace Admin

  1. Go to 
  2. In Access and data control > API controls, add Chaser´s client id:
  3. Email with the subject: "Email integration: (Your organisation name)"
  4. We'll confirm by email when this feature is active for your organisation, and you can proceed to 'Connection' (see below). We're normally able to complete within a couple of hours during business hours.

Connection - to be done by any user with access to your main sending email

  1. Go to Manage > Email > Deliverability and click "Connect email"
  2. Choose the email you want to use (this should be the sender who sends the majority of your chasing emails)
  3. Sign-in with Google
  4. Accept full permissions
  5. You will see a "Connected" state in the previous Email page confirming the email is now fully connected. From this point, every email from and to this inbox will be sent and received directly and logged in Chaser.

Screenshot 2022-07-01 at 12.27.30

Microsoft Outlook and Exchange

Connection - to be done by any user with access to your main sending email

  1. Go to Manage > Email > Deliverability and click "Connect email"
  2. Choose the email you want to use (this should be the sender who sends the majority of your chasing emails)
  3. Sign-in with Outlook/Exchange
  4. Accept full permissions
  5. You will see a "Connected" state in the previous Email page confirming the email is now fully connected. From this point, every email from and to this inbox will be sent and received directly and logged in Chaser.

All other providers

Our Email integration is available via SMTP and IMAP protocols for users using any email provider. This is simple to set up and this article will provide instructions for connecting your Outlook, Exchange or Yahoo accounts to Chaser.

How to connect?

1. Log in to your Chaser account

2. Go to Manage > Email > Deliverability

3. Select "Connect" and select the relevant mail provider or "other"

4. Select your email address (note: in order to connect your email account you must be added as a "sender" in Chaser and have verified your email address"

4. The SMTP, IMAP settings differ depending on your mail provider. For Outlook, Exchange or Yahoo, please follow the details below. For instructions on how to connect for other mail providers please contact

  • Email - enter your email address
  • Password - if 2-step verification is disabled on your account, you can use your regular password. If 2-step verification is enabled on your account, you will need to create an app password. App passwords are used to allow applications to securely log into your account without completing the 2-step verification. Instructions provided below. 
  • IMAP host -
    • Outlook/Exchange - 
    • Yahoo -
  • IMAP port - 993
  • SMTP host -
    • Outlook/Exchange - (outlook/exchange)
    • Yahoo -
  • SMTP port - 587

If your company uses on-premise software, ask your IT department to provide your SMTP and IMAP details, otherwise please use the above details.

Set up an app password for Outlook/Exchange

How you set up app passwords in Outlook depends on the type of account. Please see the instructions here.

How many accounts can I connect?

Organisations on an Enterprise for Professional plan can connect 2 sender's mailboxes via the email integration option. If your normal and escalated senders differ, both should connect their mailboxes via the email integration option.  If other users who send emails, using the Chase now functionality, we would recommend verifying your domain. 

For organisations on a Standard plan that wish to send email from different normal and escalated senders, we recommend connecting your normal sender's mailbox and then completing domain verification. Alternatively, upgrade your plan to get more connections.

Learn more about email deliverability