How to navigate the Receivables tab

Filter, sort and manage all of your customers from the Customers tab on your Receivables page.

Last updated: August 23, 2024



Access individual customer pages through the Receivables page. Click on a customer's name to view their page.


View up-to-date customer information, including:

  • Name and contact details
  • Payment portal link
  • Tags from your accounting software
  • Payer rating
  • Credit score
  • Chasing Status (editable)
  • Schedule (editable)
  • Outstanding, overdue and credit limit amounts
  • Total customer and invoice history



Click a phone number to make a call within Chaser.

Click edit to adjust the customer's unique credit limit. 

Learn more about credit limits in Chaser here.


Add note

Learn about the Add note function.

Chase now

Learn about the Chase now function.


View a log of all events and notes for the customer here, including:

  • Chases.
  • Statement emails.
  • Customer responses.
  • Notes added by you or any other team member at both a customer or invoice level. 
  • Notes added by Chaser’s in-house collections team about your customer or an invoice.

View the details of any event in the history by clicking the row you wish to expand:



You can view outstanding invoices for the customer in the same format as on the Invoices main tab. 

Learn more about this view here.


Collections details

Add notes for our in-house collections team in the collections details section, including if you require additional fees to be applied and if this is a repeat customer.


Payment portal

To add customer-specific notes for them to view in their unique payment portal, go to the Payment Portal tab and add the relevant details into the “Customer note” box..For more information about the payment portal, please refer to the user guide.



Credit report

Accurate credit reports are crucial for financial management. You can purchase, run, and view an up-to-date credit reports for your debtors under this tab.


View all contacts attached to this customer in your accounting system. Select which customer contacts will receive automated regular and escalated chasers and who will be copied (cc) on these. Click the link to “view in your accounting system” to add more contacts.

