

Templates are used to customise the email that is automatically sent from Chaser to your customers. Chaser provides 8 suggested templates for you to start with.

To access templates go to Manage > Templates.

Templates are separated into multi and single and statement templates, this is to ensure the correct plural/singular phrasing is used.

  • Single templates are sent when one invoice is being chased for a customer.
  • Multi templates are sent when invoices are grouped to chase together. Find out more about multi templates and how invoices are grouped here
  • Statement templates are sent when a monthly statement is triggered


Creating a new template

To create a template select the relevant radio button; ‘Single templates’ or ‘Multi templates’ and select ‘create template’:



You can choose to start a new template from scratch or to base your template on an existing one.



Select ‘Create template’ to navigate to the template builder page.

Use repeatable prose and the placeholders provided to create a chaser template.




Placeholders are used within your templates to ensure the chasers have accurate information from your accounting system. Hover over a placeholder in the list on the right-hand side for further information about that placeholder. You will notice there are different placeholders available to you depending on whether you are making a multi or a single template.



To insert a place holder select it from the menu on the right or type “<” followed by the placeholder name you are looking for to search it from within the body of the text.


Adding attachments

For single and multi email templates, you can choose to attach an invoice copy and/or Chaser customer statement.

For statement templates, customer statements are attached by default and this cannot be changed.

If your template is a multi and ‘attach copy invoice’ is selected each invoice referenced in the chaser will be attached to the email.

Attachments can also be sent with “thanks for paying” emails. In the case where the customer has just paid his/her last invoice, the customer statement will state that there are no outstanding invoices at that moment.


To add the attachments go to Manage > Templates > Edit template

Below the text box, you can select which attachments you want to include with this template, simply check the box and save to confirm.


Preview a template

To preview a template with some example placeholders select the ‘Preview’ button in the top right-hand corner. This will reflect any unsaved changes.

You can also preview a template from the template selector screen by using the three grey dots on the relevant template.

Send a test chaser

Once you have opened the ‘Preview’ modal, as above, you can send yourself a test email. This will allow you to view your template and formatting as your customers would. Click the ‘send test email’ in the bottom right corner of the preview module to send a chaser to the signed-in user. 



Editing a template

To edit an existing template select ‘Edit’ on the template from the template overview page


 This will bring you to the same page as 'Add template, the template can be edited as above.


Deleting a template and additional options

Using the three dots in the top right corner of the 'Edit template' page you can choose to duplicate, rename or delete a template.


You cannot delete a template which is in use in a schedule. To delete a template included in a schedule you must first remove them from all schedules. To check which schedules these templates are implemented on check the ‘Being used in’ at the bottom of the template editor screen:


From here you can navigate to the schedule and edit/remove the chasers with this template.

You can also duplicate, rename or delete a template using the three grey dots from the template selector screen.  

Demonstration of templates and schedules