
Adding / Deleting users

Read on to find out how to add or delete users in your Chaser account

Adding a new user

You can add other members to your organisation by clicking on the person icon in the top right of your screen, and then clicking Organisation Settings and then Users. 

To send an invite, click ‘Invite new user’ and enter the person's email address.



They will then receive an email with instructions on how to join Chaser (if necessary) and how to access your organisation in Chaser. For security reasons, all existing members of the organisation will also be notified of the invitation.


The user will appear as ‘not verified’ and not be available to select as a sender until they action the verification email.


Invited users do not require access to your organisation’s accounting system. They'll still be able to use all Chaser's features, however, links from Chaser to the accounting system (in order to edit contact details or view invoice details) will not be functional.


Deleting users

You can delete users by going to Settings > Users and clicking the 'Delete' button next to the desired user. Then confirm by selecting 'Yes, delete' in the module. This will remove the user from the organisation. Deleting a user will also remove them as a sender of the selected organisation. 





Note: Users that are currently assigned as a sender (normal, escalated or cc'd) cannot be deleted. Users that are creators or subscribers of the selected organisation cannot be deleted.