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Using notification panel

You can view an easy-to-read chart showing your outstanding and overdue debt amounts split by the invoices' overdue dates.

Last updated: August 23, 2024


To view the current outstanding and overdue amounts, navigate to the Chasefeed. Here, you'll find an aged breakdown of your overdue debt, providing a comprehensive view of your financial obligations.

Hover over the bars in the graph to reveal the exact amounts the bars represent and the number of invoices that make up the debt in this section. The currency used is that of your accounting software. The graph uses the most up-to-date exchange rate for currency conversions when generating. The numbers displayed in the Outstanding amount graph are updated daily at midnight.



Click one of the bars to view the Invoices tab with the relevant aged debt filter applied. 


Add aged debt filters directly in the Invoices tab by clicking the filter button. You can select multiple sections of aged debt in this view.
