Upcoming chase

View the details of your last sent automated chase.

Last updated: August 23, 2024


The last scheduled chase module displays summary information about the previous chasers sent from your organization, excluding Chase now sent. 

The monetary amount is converted and displayed in your accounting system's base currency.



The count of invoices that were paid after the last scheduled chase.



The number of invoices from the last chase that their recipients did not open. Since open rates are not tracked universally, this figure will not be 100% accurate. Inbox providers and mail providers block the visibility of opened emails.



The number of invoices that could not be delivered to the relevant debtor’s email due to issues such as invalid email addresses or full mailboxes.


Invoice lists

All text highlighted in blue is a hyperlink and will take you directly to the Receivables Invoices view with the relevant filters applied to show the last chase filtered invoices.
