Payer rating

Payer rating

The payer rating predicts payment behaviour and is generated using a machine learning model.

What is the Payer rating? 

The Payer rating is a score which is given to your customers based on their payment habits.

3 clear levels indicate how well this customer is doing. 

  • Bad.
  • Average.
  • Good. 

It is designed to help you prioritise which customers to focus on, keep you aware of the trends and which ones might be getting worse, and give an immediate picture of how all your customers perform in terms of payment.

You can filter by them, assign them to different schedules, and include them in your exports.

Payer ratings are available for all your customers with at least one paid invoice. These are visible in Chaser on the customer tab in receivables and the customer page (see images below).  

Hovering over the Payer rating for any customer on the customer page or on the customer list view will display a %, this helps you understand and compare your customers' score at a more granular level if required. 

How can I use the payer rating to improve my credit control processes?

The payer rating can help you

  • Compare your customers (who are the best and worst payers)
    • See who your worst debtors are and focus on them
  • Group customers based on ratings 
    • You may choose to create different schedules using your customers payer rating so that you can adapt the frequency and the way that you chase them.
  • Understand your risk (how many bad payers you have / how many invoices are at risk of being paid late)
    • Produce periodical reports based on customer ratings to give insights on good/bad payers percentages on the total amount of receivables
  • Adapting credit limits (e.g. when your customers become bad payers, you may consider reducing their credit limit so that you decrease the risk to your business)

What data is required in order for my customer to receive a score?

In order to be assigned a rating, the customer must have at least 1 paid invoice.

How are payer ratings calculated?

The payer rating takes into consideration the customer's previous payment behaviour. Using this, it will predict how likely the customer is to make payments on time. The customer is given a score, which is transferred into a generalised rating: Good, Average or Bad. 

The calculation takes into consideration the following:

  • Day of Week of Due Date
  • Week of Year of Due Date
  • Year of Due Date
  • Total Difference in days between Due Date and Paid Date (Days Delay)
  • Days Delay for Previous Invoice
  • Days Delay Moving Average (windows of 2) for Previous Invoices
  • Std. Deviation of Days Delay for the Previous Two Invoices
  • Total Value of the Invoice
  • Total Value of the Previous Invoice
  • Total Value Moving Average (windows of 2) for Previous Invoices
  • Std. Deviation of Total for the Previous Two Invoices
  • Invoice is Paid Late (1 if True, 0 if False)
  • Previous Invoice is Paid Late (1 if True, 0 if False)
  • Total Number of (Previous) Invoices Paid Late