Set up auto-calls

Last updated: 24th January 2024

Available to: All Chaser customers with a direct subscription, this is not available to any customers signed up via the Xero App Store.

Applies to: All Chaser users who want to schedule automatic calls.

What is an Auto-call and how do they work?

With Auto-call, you can schedule automatic calls to your customers to remind them about their outstanding invoices. The call will be made using text-to-speech which will read from your call templates. When you log into your Chaser account, you will be able to access Chaser's default, templates, these can be personalised to match your tone of voice and preferences.

The calls will be made at your chasing time, for any invoices that are due to be chased using this method. Your customer will be contacted using the mobile phone number in Chaser. Mobile numbers are pulled from the accounting system/EPR. For customers using our CSV or Chaser API integrations, you can send your mobile numbers via this method.

Here is an example of the call that your customer will receive:

If your customer does not answer their phone but has a voicemail set up, a voicemail will be left on their phone.

All calls made using Auto-call will be visible in the history of the relevant invoice and customer. 

How to set up Auto-call

  1. Go to Manage > Templates
  2. Review the default single and multi-templates
    1. You should make your customer aware of this in your automated message and provide details on how they can contact you directly by email or phone
    2. We also recommend updating the templates to use your normal tone of voice

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 16-15-22-png

  1. Go to Manage > Schedules
  2. Select your desired schedule
  3. Click the + icon (auto-calls can be added as a before due, or overdue reminder)
  4. Select "Auto-call"

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 14.52.31

7. Select your template
8. Select when you want the auto-call to be completed (e.g. -x day before due, or x days after the invoice due date)

Optional: All Chaser accounts will include our default call templates, however, these can be customised to suit your tone of voice or preference. 

Phone numbers used for Auto-calls

The phone number used is determined by the destination of the phone call

Destination Number
Australia +61 489 077 209
United States

+1 910 727 4362


 +1 587 816 4429

United Kingdom

+44 7361 597043, +44 7380 277062, +44 7723 462036, +44 7897 034108

Rest of World

+44 7361 597043, +44 7380 277062, +44 7723 462036+44 7897 034108



Can my customer respond?

The system uses text-to-speech and cannot understand or interpret responses. We would recommend that you let your customer know at the start of the call that it is an automated message.

How much do Auto-calls cost?

From 1st January - 30th June 2024, phone calls made within the Chaser application will be free of charge. Customers will be notified of any changes to phone call pricing in advance. 

I have international customers but do not have the country code imported into my accounting system?

To make phone calls outside of your organisation's region, you will need to add the country code to the phone number for the call to connect successfully just as you would if you were phoning them from your phone. Some accounting systems offer the ability to easily bulk upload your contacts in one go. If you use Xero, you can easily update all of your contacts in bulk by using their import functionally.

What phone number will be used to make the phone call?

Phone calls will be made from a UK mobile number.

What will happen if my customer returns a call to the number provided?

As this is not an active number for receiving calls. You should make your customers aware of this in your automated message and provide details on how they can contact you directly by email or phone. 

If the customer returns my call, can this be redirected to my mobile number?

It is not currently possible to redirect callbacks to another number. 

Related articles:

Add and edit a schedule:

Still need help?

Please get in touch at or message us on live chat, we would be happy to help.