
Adding customers/invoices to a schedule

All new customers will initially be added to your default schedule.

You can view your default schedule in Manage > Schedules. To edit this please follow the instructions here


Editing a customer’s schedule


To alter a schedule a customer is on in Receivables > Customer. Click the edit icon in the schedule column:


From here you can select which schedule you would like to move the customer to, just click to confirm. All invoices for this customer will now be moved to this schedule, any new invoices for this customer will also be applied to this schedule.


Alternatively, you can also edit this in the customer page by using the dropdown in the schedule row and selecting a schedule from the list:



You can add multiple customers to a schedule by using the multi-selector in receivables. Select the checkboxes of the customers you would like to change and open the bulk selector in the top-left corner. 



Select 'Change schedule' and select the relevant schedule. Once this is confirmed you will receive a confirmation module.




Editing an invoice's schedule


To edit the schedule for a particular invoice so it is different to the customer it is associated with 'you can do so from the invoice page (Receivables > select invoice).  You may wish to do this is if your customer has invoices with varying payment terms or methods. 

Use the arrow in 'Schedule' to access the dropdown and select the desired schedule.



A module will appear to confirm this change has taken place. This will not affect the default, all new invoices will still be applied to the customer's default schedule.