Getting Started

Chase Import - Uploading invoice copies

Import your invoice copies to Chaser so that they can be sent to your customers as attachments in your chasing emails

Uploading invoice copies to Chaser

1. Export your invoice copies as PDFs, the file name should match the InvoiceID (column 1 in the invoice.csv spreadsheet). 

2. Upload your invoice copies to the SFTP folder that you have connected to Chaser.

3. Optional: If you want to see your PDF's instantly, go to Chaser and select "sync"(note: a sync will automatically occur prior to your next chase so there is no need for the manual step in your process ahead of your next chase)

You should now be able to download your invoice PDF when navigating to the invoice page.

If you would like to include invoice copies in your chasing emails, go to Manage > Template and ensure that you have 'attach copy invoice' selected in the options underneath each of your templates (image below)