Multi groups allow you to send one email for multiple invoices, instead of one email per invoice. Being in the same multi-group effectively means that chasers with that same multi-template will be combined into one email.
Last updated: August 23, 2024
Choose between two grouping options for your debtor reminders.
Option 1: Group by type of reminder [NEW - recommended]
Your customers will receive one reminder referencing all invoices that are before due and one reminder referencing invoices that are overdue, provided they are eligible for a chase. The sender, recipient, and template for the oldest invoice in the group will be used to allow you to escalate the severity of your email copy to be more appropriate when chasing older invoices than with Option Two (see below).
Eligible invoices fall within the start and end days of your before-due and overdue reminders. For example, if your first overdue chase is scheduled for seven days after the due date, invoices will become eligible for an overdue chase once they are seven days overdue. The same behaviour applies before due reminders.
Opt for this option to significantly reduce the number of emails your debtors receive in a single chase. You also have the freedom to determine how often a customer is chased, giving you the flexibility to choose your desired frequency.
Select this chasing method within your Manage tab by enabling the setting Group invoices by reminder type.
Option 2: Group by individual invoice settings
Choose this chasing method so reminders will only be grouped into one chase email when the invoice's next applicable chaser has the same settings applied. The invoice's next applicable chase must meet the following criteria:
- Same senders (normal or escalated)
- Same recipients (normal or escalated)
- Same multi-template selected
If any of the above criteria don't match, rest assured that the software will handle it. Invoices will be chased separately with individual emails. This example schedule illustrates which chasers will cause invoices to be grouped, the below configuration could split customers' invoices into 4 separate emails:
The invoices that fall into the coloured boxes will be grouped if multiple invoices qualify for the same chaser (i.e. they are due on the same day).
- The before-due chase will group all invoices that are one day before due. If there is only one invoice, a single template will be used. However, the multi-template will ensure accurate template selection if there is more than one.
- The overdue templates are split into 2 groups. They all use the same multi-template. However, those scheduled at 21 and 28 days overdue are configured to use the escalated sender and recipient. This division into two groups is to ensure effective template configuration.
- Thanks for paying will be sent one working day after the payment is made. The multi-template will be used if multiple invoices have been paid during this period.
Timings and grouping
If using grouping option 2, it is important to consider the chase days selected here to maximise the number of invoices grouped into multiple chasers. If you have one chasing day and a schedule with seven-day increments, you’ll have the greatest chance of your invoices being grouped. If you’d like to send more frequent chasers, you should match this to your schedules. For example, choose two chase days and a schedule with chasers set at three-day increments.
This ensures invoice chases will be due on the same day and will be grouped. If you have five chase days, single invoices will be more likely to be chased as and when they become due for a chase, which may not match with other invoices issued to the customer.